From time to time I get emails on "Amazing facts about India". One of those facts is that Sanskrit is the best language for computer programming. Being familiar with computer programming, I wondered if there was any truth to that statement.
The claim is based on this paper by Rick Briggs, published in AI Magazine. It talks about using Sanskrit in natural language processing (NLP). The idea of using a natural language for computer programming is to make it easier for people to talk to computers in their native tongue and spare them the pain of learning a computer friendly language like assembly/C/Java.
The Rick Briggs' paper makes a case that natural languages are not that difficult to use for computer programming. He cites Sanskrit as an example as its grammar can be easily translated to a form understandable by a computer. But nowhere does it say that using Sanskrit is the best way to program a computer. Say if somebody manages to create a computer language based on Sanskrit, how likely is it that it will get adopted by non-Sanskrit speaking people?
There is a lot of difference between Sanskrit being suitable for NLP and it being the best or perfect language for computer programming. For Sanskrit to be truly a best language for computer programming, a majority of computer users should be fluent enough in it. Otherwise it is much easier for them to learn a computer friendly language than to learn Sanskrit and then use it for programming a computer. By that logic, I fail to see how it is the best language for programming a computer when the number of people who are fluent in C outnumber the number of people who are fluent in Sanskrit.
But that did not stop some Indians from expanding their chests with pride based on a false premise. They are so lacking in knowledge of history of India, that even when there are other real reasons to proud of Sanskrit (for example, its influence on modern linguistics or its similarity with Backus-Naur form), they ignore them and spout second hand nonsense to inflate their egos.
Perhaps the people who originate these kinds of falsehoods expect everyone all over the world to recognize the technical merits of Sanskrit and throw away their native tongues and instead adopt Sanskrit. If that really is the case, their hypocrisy is mind boggling. These are same people who are likely to make a stink about "western" elements destroying traditional Indian elements. Yet they would like other cultures to throw away their cultural artifacts just because a researcher published a paper saying that Sanskrit is a good language to use in NLP.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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Haha, So you say that there are more people who know C than Sanskrit, therefore Sanskrit is not the best language for Computer Programming. C'mmon it is not about the adoption of the language it about the language itself. How perfect is it ?
@Anonymous, you missed my point. Computer languages become "the best" to use not just based on their technical merits. There are other factors like how easy it is learn.
Let me ask you a question. If NLP advances to a usable state and assuming that there exists a Sanskrit version, how would you go about making sure that everybody uses it?
Now, it comes to "other" factors like how easy it is to learn. Do you learn learning English just for C, C++, or whatever is easy for a non-english speaker.
And on NLP, the first thing is without Sanskrit and the awesome sanskrit grammar no NLP on this earth will reach and usable state. And even it reached, the new language in which NLP was written would be a version of Sanskrit.
Do you think learning English .....
You haven't answered my question. Let me phrase it differently. What incentive does a non-Sanskrit speaking person have to adopt Sanskrit as his/her own "Natural Language" and use it for instructing a computer?
The point I want to make is that Sanskrit is Sanskrit's Grammar is the most perfect grammar. And is just another name of syntax so it is valid to say that Sanskrit is the best language for computer programming in which the more perfected syntax produces more perfected answers.
Answer: The incentive a non-Sanskrit speaking person have to adopt is to learn Sanskrit, there is no other way. Is there any way to learn C without learning C and understanding the Latin Letters ?
The advantage Sanskrit will have is that it will a be a programming as well as natural language at the same time which is where modern popular languages have failed. You cannot use the English for programming neither can you use C/C++ for human communication.
All this discussion is assuming somebody actually manages to produce a NLP based on Sanskrit. And it is a big assumption. NLP is no where near an usable state. We are still talking about the hypothetical. So proclamations of a future possibility as "perfect" doesn't make any sense. But let me try and get more concrete.
An NLP is by no means the "best" way to program a computer. As anybody with actual programming experience will tell you, there is no best programming language. You use the one that best suites your requirement. Here's a hint: Why don't we write shell scripts in Java? And hardware drivers in Perl?
If you do not understand that point (non-bestness of a programming language), this discussion will just go in circles with you repeatedly prefixing the adjective perfect before Sanskrit and me trying to explain the difference between using an NLP for programming and a computer friendly language for programming.
The point I want to make is that Sanskrit is Sanskrit's Grammar is the most perfect grammar.
Unsubstantiated claim. Show me some evidence of how Sanskrit's grammar is perfect than that of every other natural language on Earth.
And is just another name of syntax so it is valid to say that Sanskrit is the best language for computer programming in which the more perfected syntax produces more perfected answers.
That makes me wonder if you know anything at all about computer science. How does Sanskrit, when used for programming, produce the "perfect answer"? If I wanted to implement a a sorting algorithm, will Sanskrit give me faster running machine code? Smaller file size for the executable? Will my computer become sentient?
Answer: The incentive a non-Sanskrit speaking person have to adopt is to learn Sanskrit, there is no other way. Is there any way to learn C without learning C and understanding the Latin Letters ?
The advantage Sanskrit will have is that it will a be a programming as well as natural language at the same time which is where modern popular languages have failed.
So if your hypotethical (that a Sanskrit NLP exists) becomes true, than non-Sanskrit speaking people (say Telugu or Mandarin speakers) have no choice but to learn Sanskrit which takes a few months as opposed to learning a language like C which takes a few days or develop a NLP based on their native tongue? You talk as if only Sanskrit can be used for NLP. What evidence do you have for that claim? (No, the Rick Briggs paper doesn't count as evidence. It just makes a case that Sanskrit might make it easier to create an NLP parser.)
I posted previous comments on your assumption that someone will produce a NLP based on Sanskrit as to answer you. So let's get concrete here.
NLP isn't the best way to program computer I agree, I repeat i was just to answer your question.
So, you are saying that "Sanskrit Grammar is most perfect Grammar" is an unsubstantiated claim. Do you know Sanskrit Grammar ?
To judge a thing, product you must first know or use that. You just can't make a guess on what it is or what it is not. Just learn the Sanskrit Grammar and only make claims.
Now, so you think considering Sanskrit as Computer languages means next day you will be able to code on it. No, every small piece of the puzzle must on sanskrit. More systematic the rules are the more it will be faster on execution. The same rule applies here. The system of the Sanskrit is shorter, faster.
And on LEARNING sanskrit. How on earth can people start making program on C by just learning few days ? Writing a plain text output on a shell, is not a a practical computer programming. But you are not considering the point the C assumes the programmer know English. So should we add the time for Learning English.
NLP isn't the best way to program computer I agree, I repeat i was just to answer your question.
Then we can agree that the statement "Sanskrit is the best language to program a computer" doesn't make any sense and cannot be validated unless there exists a NLP that is based on Sanskrit.
Now coming to my other point - assuming a NLP based on Sanskrit exists, it will still not be the best language for programming a computer. To see why, try to answer these questions to yourself:
1. What is the point of using a NLP where there already exist a plethora of computer languages using which any computationally solvable problem can be modeled? Note that not everyone speaks the same natural language.
2. What makes Sanskrit the only language using which NLP can be created?
(Hint: Avoid using circular arguments).
As to your other claims, please read this: Burden of Proof. So, unless you have some evidence to substantiate your claims, there is no point in carrying this discussion any furthur.
You took this whole process as a assumption that the only way to Sanskrit can be used in computer is through NLP which is wrong. Sanskrit can itself act as a independent programming language competing with C and all other.
Now you are just trolling. I thought you would understand the fallacies of circular argument and burden of proof. My mistake.
come on people lets us try to make a program in sanskrit n then we will find difference in between them
by-vishal sharma
To many, Sanskrit is a dead language. Some think it's a 'useless' language. Quite a few Hindus preen themselves that it is exclusively theirs. But did you know serious scholars are beginning to marvel at the rigour, reach and secularism of Sanskrit? Many of these --all over the world-- are mining it for values the modern world can benefit by. But nearly no one does this exposition with greater commitment, catholicity and religious neutrality than Prof M A Lakshmi Thathachar at the Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote, Karnataka. On the 15 acres of the Academy, the assertions in Sanskrit texts regarding ecology, farming, health and right living are on view. The Professor is a farmer, livestock breeder, conservationist, researcher, teacher, computer adept and most of all, a man who embodies all that is best in the Indian tradition. He is a Renaissance man unique to India.
Approaches to the source:
Lakshmi Thathachar's view of Sanskrit's nature may be paraphrased as follows: All modern languages have etymological roots in classical languages. And some say all Indo-European languages are rooted in Sanskrit, but let us not get lost in that debate. Words in Sanskrit are instances of pre-defined classes, a concept that drives object oriented programming [OOP] today. For example, in English 'cow' is a just a sound assigned to mean a particular animal. But if you drill down the word 'gau' --Sanskrit for 'cow'-- you will arrive at a broad class 'gam' which means 'to move. From these derive 'gamanam', 'gatih' etc which are variations of 'movement'. All words have this OOP approach, except that defined classes in Sanskrit are so exhaustive that they cover the material and abstract --indeed cosmic-- experiences known to man. So in Sanskrit the connection is more than etymological.
It was Panini who formalised Sanskrit's grammer and usage about 2500 years ago. No new 'classes' have needed to be added to it since then. "Panini should be thought of as the forerunner of the modern formal language theory used to specify computer languages," say J J O'Connor and E F Robertson. Their article also quotes: "Sanskrit's potential for scientific use was greatly enhanced as a result of the thorough systemisation of its grammar by Panini. ... On the basis of just under 4000 sutras [rules expressed as aphorisms ], he built virtually the whole structure of the Sanskrit language, whose general 'shape' hardly changed for the next two thousand years."
Every 'philosophy' in Sanskrit is in fact a 'theory of everything'. [The many strands are synthesised in Vedanta --Veda + anta--, which means the 'last word in Vedas'.] Mimamsa, which is a part of the Vedas, even ignores the God idea. The reality as we know was not created by anyone --it always was--, but may be shaped by everyone out of free will. Which is a way of saying --in OOP terms-- that you may not touch the mother or core classes but may create any variety of instances of them. It is significant that no new 'classes' have had to be created. Thathachar believes it is not a 'language' as we know the term but the only front-end to a huge, interlinked, analogue knowledge base. The current time in human history is ripe, he feels for India's young techno wizards to turn to researching Mimamsa and developing the ultimate programming language around it; nay, an operating system itself.
Thathachar believes that not enough is being done to explore the rich veins in Sanskrit's knowledge mines. Yoga, ayurveda, architecture, music, dance, statecraft and the like are but a few products that have been brought out. Agriculture, metallurgy, computer sciences etc can gain if new forays are made into the depths of Sanskrit. He is gratified recognition for the Academy's work with Sanskrit is coming slowly. It is an approved 'Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation' [SIRO]. It is recognised by the University of Mysore as a centre that can guide doctoral candidates. Visveswaraiah Technological University, Belgaum has permitted it to award PhD and MSc degrees by research in Information Technology, Materials Science, Aeronautics and Social engineering. Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO] has commissioned it to prepare an Indian view of the cosmos.
We are out in the fields again. "If there is one thing I denounce the West for, it is the concept of banks and interest. Yes, you can quote me -- I am closer to Islam in this respect. Money as an end measure of attainments is ruining everything. Our governance, commerce, farming and relationships are all drifting away from the reality that can work without conflicts. We are fooling ourselves with what is progress. We will face the wall soon," he says. He sounds far from being despondent or extremist, though. In fact there is a glint in his eyes, almost as if he can sense that the trend may be reversing.
momre later....
If your comments are meant to address the points I had made, then they form one giant strawman argument. They do not say anything about using Sanskrit as a computer language or what makes it an "ultimate programming language" (ultimate according to what parameters and how?) as compared to, well, every computer language in existence.
This argument that Sanskrit, or for that matter any other language, is better suited for computer programming is plain silly. The computer programming languages like FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, C++, etc. are not “languages” in the usual sense of that word. They have a small vocabulary of may be 25 or so words. In FORTRAN off-hand I can barely count 20 words. (DIMENSION, REAL, INTEGER, CHARACTER, STRING, DOUBLE PRECISION, DO, IF, THEN, ELSE, CALL, CONTINUE, RETURN, READ, WRITE, FORMAT, STOP, END). That is just 19. May be a few more that I missed.
These words and a few symbols are used in a strict and cryptic syntax to write executable statements which enable the user to move data from one location to other, or modify the data, and perform other similar operations. The syntax is neither English, nor any other language. Suppose DO in FORTRAN is substituted by its Sanskrit equivalent KRITI, how does one translate DO 51 I=1,K in Sanskrit ? Or FORMAT can be replaced by, say, AKRITIBANDH. But what is the Sansktrit equivalent of FORMAT(4(F6.2,3X),5X,I5) ?
See? These are not really “languages”. You can’t ask for a glass of water in BASIC, ask directions to the railway station in Pascal, or write poetry in FORTRAN.
This assertion, that Sanskrit is better suited for computer programming, is very likely made by those who do not know head or tail of computer programming.
I think this may completely misunderstood. Sanskrit Grammar is programmable does not mean one must write a programming language in sanskrit. I suppose it means that the language syntax is more consistent than others so that there can be a logic written around it (in C or pascal or whatever language). E.g words are created by basic roots and the combination of different roots creates other words and also the grammar is mostly consistent such as a order of nouns and verbs, etc., predicate and subject, etc. E.g. in English, when 'un' or 'in' preceds certain words, it negates its meaning. If this were consistent, given a word, we could write a program to create its acronym and similarly the logic can be extended to a grammatically correct sentence in English. Hope this clarifies.
acronym*/antonym :)
I did not deny that Sanskrit can be used to program a computer. What I'm questioning is in what way is Sanskrit the "best" way to do so. So there's no misunderstanding here.
"I did not deny that Sanskrit can be used to program a computer."
Lije, You are 'not denying' something that I did not say in the first place...
I agree with you, I cannot say if its the best or not, because it requires knowledge of many languagues and AI programming to compare. Some one in that field would require to do the research like Rick Briggs has done, or challenge it.
As a programmer, I am just clarifying the intent of the article of (Rick Briggs) which is - not using Sanskrit to program a computer, rather using a program (in any existing comp. language) to analyze a text in Sanskrit, as it is said that it follows consistent semantics.
It is easy to write a program to read and analyze (processing) texts in Sanskrit which is very different from saying you write a program in Sanskrit.
Please note: It is Natural Language Processing, not Natural Language Programming.
"Program a computer" doesn't necessarily mean write something in computer language. One can "program" a microwave oven to cook an item for 5 min. Or if it can process a natural language, program it by telling it to "cook this item for five minutes".
As I said there's no misunderstanding here. The point of article is not about the Rick Brigg's paper nor is it about merits or demerits of using Sanskrit in NLP. It is about people who use that paper to make retard claims like "Sanskrit is the best language to program a computer". So keep your clarifications to yourself.
@lije-Words in Sanskrit are instances of pre-defined classes, a concept that drives object oriented programming [OOP] today. For example, in English 'cow' is a just a sound assigned to mean a particular animal. But if you drill down the word 'gau' --Sanskrit for 'cow'-- you will arrive at a broad class 'gam' which means 'to move. From these derive 'gamanam', 'gatih' etc which are variations of 'movement'. All words have this OOP approach, except that defined classes in Sanskrit are so exhaustive that they cover the material and abstract --indeed cosmic-- experiences known to man....
No new 'classes' have needed to be added to it since then to sanskrit..
The reality as we know was not created by anyone --it always was--, but may be shaped by everyone out of free will. Which is a way of saying --in OOP terms-- that you may not touch the mother or core classes but may create any variety of instances of them. It is significant that no new 'classes' have had to be created. Thathachar believes it is not a 'language' as we know the term but the only front-end to a huge, interlinked, analogue knowledge base.
this will ans you
Does what you say in anyway make "Sanskrit the best language to program a computer"? No.
And then you go into new age crap of mind creating reality. If you care to know, there is no such thing as free will. After having said that, you will most likely set up the strawman of fatalism which, like free will, is also easily debunked.
Reading to last part of your blog it sounded like you werent really all too interested in explaining the language of Sanskrit and its relationship to computer programming but more interested in putting down Indians.
Let me guess another person who lost his job to India and seems to think its an Indians fault, not the multinational company who sold him out for a few dollars.
I say come out of your closet, we wont make fun of your pointy white hat.
Reading to last part of your blog it sounded like you werent really all too interested in explaining the language of Sanskrit and its relationship to computer programming but more interested in putting down Indians.
You Sir, are a genius of the highest order. How else could you have deduced that this post wasn't about how Sanskrit is related to computer science but was only about pointing out how some people suffer from such bouts of inferiority complex that they had to find pride in falsities. I mean an ordinary person reading my post wouldn't have figured it out, but you, you are special aren't you? And the way you found a non-existent link between me criticizing some people and "putting down Indians", that was sheer awesomeness!
Let me guess another person who lost his job to India and seems to think its an Indians fault, not the multinational company who sold him out for a few dollars.
WOW! I mean WOW! It is so amazing and subliminal to see your genius in action. You put Sherlock Holmes to shame. Bravo! Sir. Bravo! Btw, did thy exalted self read the About page?
I read your article and all comments. I was somehow goggling on 'Sanskrit as programming language' and stumbled upon your blog. I’m a die-hard programmer and also posses knowledge on Sanskrit.
I know C, C++, ruby, java, javascript, VB, C#.Net, shell scripts, PL/SQL. (No, I’m not praising myself here but need to give this idea about me). I agree to your point about every language comes with some unique advantage. Like ‘shell scripts’ can’t be replaced by ‘java’ certainly not. You can’t write drivers in php. When it needs performance and beauty (and love) then only C. And if you are hunting for nano-seconds none other than Assembly language itself. So what Sanskrit will give world of computers?
Well I gave this thought a shot and below are answers---
1. You will be finding trend in programming languages which are moving faster from machine-level to high-level to human-level languages. See how it is moving from assembly->c->c++->java->ruby And this will not stop until they create something entirely humanly. Trust me.
2. The scope of Sanskrit to become a computer language lies in library system. When you compile a code in C, it patches your code with some pre-defined libraries. E.g. if you do strcmp(‘string1’,’string2’) is the best way to do it because it will link library code in your executable. Libraries are written in assembly language and highly optimized. So if you have all libraries with you, why you need C? Why can’t just say ‘GO AND OPEN THE DOOR’ and expect computer to understand it and do it in highly optimized way. Onus lies with intelligent interpreter.
3. Sanskrit is language where letters have meanings. It does not need to be words for them to transmit emotions/information. Composition of letters to words, again changes their meaning. Yes, something like OOPS. E.g. ANU is particle and PARMANU is nano-particle. To be a programming language Consistency is needed which is there in Sanskrit. I’ll explorer more in future how Sanskrit can be adjusted to be a human-computer-language.
4. Sanskrit is not descriptive language. You don’t need to write paragraphs to explain. When you translate something to Sanskrit, its size will reduce. It is precise, crisp and clear. Vedas (scriptures of millions of lines), transmitted from thousands of years until now just from mouth to mouth. Till now there are people who get Guru to learn Vedas and do not use books. What this tells us is Sanskrit is able to retain a huge amount of information within smaller size. And this is a FACT not myth. Here I should give my own example. I am a post-graduate and learnt in English. But don’t ask me about any definition please. I won’t be able to tell you exactly. I will tell you what exactly you need to understand but still I won’t be able to recall what I learnt few years back. But here is an astonishing truth. One of my Sanskrit shloka I learnt 12 years back. It was 3 pages praise of Lord Ganesha. And ask me now; I will regenerate exact text. Even I would not have sung it for years, but still when I will start I will not make a single mistake. What makes me think two things 1. Sanskrit is rhythmic language and 2. brain is capable of storing and recalling rhythmic things at astonishing success. And now if I think that suppose I would have learnt my computer science in Sanskrit I would have remembered every single word. Trust me, try yourself.
For me to even consider your points, you first need to establish that using Sanskrit to program computers is a viable alternative to the programming model that we have today i.e using computer friendly languages. Otherwise it's just speculation.
Well yesterday i could not attach fifth point which is as below. It is in continuation of 4th point---
5. Today’s days are of huge information. Legacy systems and millions of codes are written and maintained by many programmers around the world. Problem is maintenance. How many times you have thought rewriting entire app just because code has become messy, bulky and complex? How many times you faced a problem that you won’t be able to give 100% KT (knowledge transfer) to a new programmer. The solution is Sanskrit. Write business logic in Sanskrit, easy to maintain, easy to understand, quick KT. So I can see huge potential in Sanskrit to be a perfect language for ‘business logic’ and ‘documentation’.
Don’t worry about very less people who knew this language. Change is constant in this world. Anything can happen.
If there seems to be a even .01% possibility world will reach there. Till then be positive.
before ventilating your views on the topic, you had better learnt sanskrit, yourself.
you have no knowledge of the Sanskrit language and that's why you were beating around the bush for most part of your write-up.
Sanskrit has got the highest level of generality possible.
I give you example, all verbs in sanskrit end in same manner while delivering the same sense : kreedti, rudti, vadti, etc.
In C++, we generalize all data types using a single template.
But in Sanskrit, we can generalize all verbs possible, using a single lone template !
Such is the power of Sanskrit.
rest assured, therefore, that Sanskrit is undoubtedly the best suited language for computers and programming !
First show me a Sanskrit based computer programming language and then we can talk.
First of all, thanks a lot for your comment. Your prompt reply shows your extra ordinary interest in the topic. I liked your spirit.
yeah, I am working on it.
But, it will take me some years...
God willing, we both will be living to witness that invention!
Jai Hind !
till then, goodbye
Hi Lije
I just stumbled across your blog and wont waste much time on it.
The shallow level of intellect in your posts/comments speak a great deal about the degree of arrogance(and ignorance) that you possess
So you have decided to 'educate' the vast majority of pseudo-scientific persons about the demerits of Hindu you ever pause to think what is the credibility of your statements.
What do you know about Science? or Math? or Philosophy?
How many experiments have you performed yourself? Do you know that western medicine has not even found a cure for "common cold".
The only reason you "believe" in the truthfulness of modern science is due to that being the "general belief" of our age. Go and read some history dude, you will realise that such beliefs are formed due to media and the soft power of the west.
The dean of Harvard Med once famously remarked that it is a shame they are so closed to alternative systems of medicine from the Orient. Papers of the same are never published, genius is not recognized. And idiots like you do not hear about them.
Its just a balance of power you fool. The West is powerful so Western ideas are logical. Thats the subconscious and subtle effect of soft power. If China becomes the world power tomorrow, then a decade from now, Chinese ideas would flourish. Thats how it happens.
Schopenhaeur, the great German philosopher drew inspiration from the Vedas. I donot recollect all the names but a whole lot of landmark Western philosophers got inspiration from the Vedas (including Kant as acknowledged by himself). Many have praised the Bhagwad Gita as the last word in philosophy (including Einstein). And this despite the Western soft power which keeps Vedanta away from the mainstream
Do you know that before the British invaded India, our muslin saree was so soft that an entire saree could pass through a ring worn on a finger. That was India.
Our knowledge is not mainstream and the examples given in its favour by me would thus not do justice to it.
Bhartiya made a valid point about Sanskrit grammar but instead of replying to it, you preferred to ignore it. What a sorry fool you are.
English is a poor language dude. Use your common sense. In Hindi you pronounce the word as you write it but English makes even that impossible (psychosis is thus pronounced as Sy-ko-sis)
Its an unstructured and silly language and does not hold a candle to somethings as superior as Sanskrit.
But its popular. What of it. Dont confuse popularity with superiority.
Thats all from me. Your entire blog is an exercise in pseudo-intellectual masturbation and this is all that I have to say about it
To Anon above, you said you will not be spending much time here but typed a lot of hindu apologist drivel and ad hominem remarks. Typical!
Hi, This discussion seems to go nowhere unless an actual program is designed and executed in sanskrit as programming language and its qualities, performance and utility are compared with the present prog languages. So if anybody is trying, its good, I am also trying to write a general routine in sanskrit, but the problem is the interpreter, working with someone in my Ph.D (Computer Science) from Asia E University, Malaysia.
@ Lijje : Just like how you question others for not substantiating if sanskrit is the best for programming, you too have not substanciated how you think the claim is false !!! Have you done any research on what sanskrit language grammer actually is??
It is not I who is making the claim of "The Best Programming Language". So the burden of proof lies on those who do make that claim. You should know at least that much. But I will present to you the proof - the non-existence of a programming language based on Sanskrit that can be called "best" in any of the cases put by various commenters above. Btw, have you done any research of how computers are programmed in the real world?
I just want to point it out that we don't understand something's significance until we see it ourselves. Let Sunskrit be programmed in a way to be used as NLP and see whether it is suited best for it. Theoritically it does, it is just to be analyzed experimentally. Hope soon we would get it whether Sunskrit will be it or not is just a matter of time.
I am an AI researcher, and let me tell you that using Sanskrit for programming does not make any difference, as compared to other languages. AS Lije said, for a language to be widespread, it needs to have a huge fan base too.
Next, about natural language processing. It is probable that Sanskrit may have a sound grammar, or may not. However, if I have to say "Cook this for 5 minutes", why must I say it only in Sanskrit? For NLP, multiple factors feature in, most important of which is the accent. I could make a claim that all Indians have similar accents and assuming that Sanskrit is spoken predominantly by Indians, then it would be easy to rule out the variations in accents for NLP, because I need a few Indians to speak in Sanskrit, and I have a perfect base case.
English, on the other hand, is spoken the world over. You have such a variety of accents and intonations, that it becomes intrinsically hard to account for all the variable changes.
Lastly, I think that a lot of Indians are just going on talking about the greatness of Sanskrit, without really knowing about Sanskrit or about computer programming. Please try substantiating your claims. As Lije said, the proof of burden is on the people making the claims!
i went through the whole comments,
and see that its a Clash of Pride against the Critique
is Sanskrit the best programing language or not, only time will tell
In English ‘cow’ is a just a sound assigned to mean a particular animal. But if we drill down the word ‘gau’ – Sanskrit word for ‘cow’- we arrive at a broad class ‘gam’ which means ‘to move’. From these derive words like ‘gamanam’, ‘gatih’ etc which are variations of ‘movement’. All words have this OOP approach, except that defined classes in Sanskrit are so exhaustive that they cover the material and abstract –indeed cosmic– experiences known to man. So in Sanskrit the connection is more than etymological.
Hello, I m a student of class 12 .,
I have studied sanskrit last 6 yrs an has a sound basic knowledge in it... Also i m good student of computers and m recently learning c++...
As a whole I can say that i can comment about both the topics....
Well to my opinion SANSKRIT is the best language i have ever learnt....
Is indeed a wonderful language in itself. It is so logical that undoubtedly it can become a programming language for computer.
Now here , many would ask me for evidences ......
Well.i have some .
1. first of all in sanskrit grammar u would find diffrent word forms (shabd roop) and verb forms (dhatu roop) which follow a particular pattern .
we can form words by combining them in a definite logical manner..
2. Second the tone of pronouncing each word is so scientific and rythmic that it becomes very easy to memorise any thing...
3. Third, the joining of two letters (sandhi) and two words (samas) are so logical that if if you know even just the rule of forming then you can form all the words of that kind....
4. In a simple sentence like saH Amrama khAdati (he eats mango) can be written in any sequence, its sense would remain same ...
e.g. Amrama khAdati saH... which in english would mean mango eats he indicating that mango is a subject which changes the entire sense ....
there are a lot more examples for my evidence which i'm not recalling just now...
so this language is just awsome as i feel....
Please do go through the previous comments. I'm not really interested in utopian scenarios. What I care about is, the current situation. So get me some scientific data on:
1. A programming language based on Sanskrit.
2. Data on its adoption levels.
3. Data on how much it costs to develop a software application using Sanskrit based PL vs other PLs.
I reiterate: show me the evidence.
An example of what evidence looks like.
Nice year long discussion.
I'm a programmer but don't know Sanskrit. From the comments, I find that Sanskrit seems to be well structured like syntax in programming. I read from wikipedia and one of the above comments that even if we change the order (SOV/SVO) of the words, the meaning don't change. So I think Sanskrit has a potential to be a better Natural Language Processing than English. I have used inform7 and I find English is not really good for NLP. But atleast there is inform7 for English whereas Sanskrit has nothing for proof and worse it is not even spoken by a significant population despite its greatness.
So we can't say Sanskrit is the best programming language without any proof. Having false pride is foolishness. That's what the author already said "There is a lot of difference between Sanskrit being suitable for NLP and it being the best or perfect language for computer programming." People use superlative words like "best out there" to get more attention than the appropriate words like "can be", "potential."
But it's bad manners of the author to carelessly post like "Some Indians with egos". Even if he says "Some Indians", every Indian with sense of fraternity to fellow Indians will get hurt. If those lines that target said ignorant Indians were not posted, Indians who ignorantly believed wrongly would realise the true matter and leave the blog. One of the above Anonymous person is even worse calling the author bad words. This is the behavior of people who think only their native culture, tradition and whatever is best, talk that way. Come on guys.. Have greater sense of fraternity that we are all just human beings.
hai... iam computer science engg: student and stumbled upon this blog while looking for topics for my main project... i have studied Sanskrit when i was young... and iam learning programming languages like C++ and Java now.... from this discussion.. i think i will try to attempt a sanskrit Language Processsing system... this semester we have to submit an abstract for the project and get it approved.... i will try it...
mr. admin
what ever may be the result in devloping programming language using sanskrit ,may it be succesful or may not be ,but remember one thing ! !
the only thing that is permanent on earth is "CHANGE" !
never oppose a change bcoz if it succeeds opooser may bcom a real fool !
Now that you got to shout and make personal attacks, do you have anything relevant to say?
already every one explained you about sanskrit , there is nothing more to say to you lije !
we are never comparing any other languages with sanskrit ,we are saying that NLP would be a large success if it is programmed using SANSKRIT language (as research said that sanskrit is good for programing purposes ) !
without knowing anything about it how can you oppose that,its ok its your personal thing if you think it is false ,but how can you comment on all the indians ? ego ?
are we egoistic?
its not good saying like that !!
and here at last comment there is no any personal comments on you ! its only said to explain the thing !
dont take anything as personal !
In that case, you should go through all the previous comments to this post. The points you have raised have been addressed in quite a bit of detail.
I manage a team of Indian programmers, from the best Indian universities. We use Indians just because they are cheap, not because they are so great. And more than that, their lack of confidence makes them arrogant (7/10). And that start to make us westerners (Whom hires them) very uncomfortable, because we are not allowed to be that arrogant. India to Indians eyes is the source of everything. Sanskrit, which is a relatively new language is not better than Latin for programming.
This class logic is very farfetched. Classes have purely logical links between parents/child. The link in Sanskrit "classes" is inferred by context. A boat can be linked to floating, moving, sail, housing, fishing, sea, dominating, power... So whatever.... Except for a couple of friends, I myself will stop using Indian labor, and the trend is growing. See you soon when you have to work as hard as the westerners do to be competitive.
Indians often have the same kind of speech as Hitler did (You should see my Facebook), it is unforgivable. And their great “philosophers” (to me they are more mystics than anything else) are not shy comparing us to barbarians and such, things that we, westerners, know we cannot do, it is true civilization.
A fed up westerner.
Rajesh Koothrappali Knows!
I'd be wary of generalizations, especially when it comes to Indian philosophy. In Indian pop-culture, Indian philosophy is conflated with mystical mumbo-jumbo. But ancient India had a very strong strain of materialistic thought. This is one example.
Hindu revisionists work very hard to portray such contrarian philosophies as trivial or inconsequential, but the freethought community in India is working hard to free Indian philosophy from such revisionism.
Hey Guys I don't want to get into any debate about greatness of sanskrit or Indian culture or philosophy or anything. I read all the comments posted above and there was one evidence missing which I read a long ago and that is,
Sanskrit as
"The best language to be used in computers"
which was published in Forbes magazine, July 1987. Forbes is very famous magazine and I hope you have heard of it. Right??
I'm not claiming that it is best or not but this is the claim I would have made if I was in favor of Sanskrit.
And one more thing,
NASA, the most advanced research center in the world for cutting edge technology, has discovered that Sanskrit, the world's oldest spiritual language, is the only unambiguous spoken language on the planet.
Considering Sanskrit's status as a spiritual language, a further implication of this discovery is that the age old dichotomy between religion and science is an entirely unjustified one.
Sanskrit is indeed a perfect language in the same sense as mathematics, but Sanskrit is also a perfect language in the sense that, like music, it has the power to uplift the heart.
Forbes just reported based on an academic paper which I linked to in the article. Why don't you read it and tell me where it says Sanskrit is "The best language to be used in computers". Jingoistic fists bang on the drums of ignorance.
Again, read my first comment. I did not say that Sanskrit is the best language for computers. If I was supporting that claim then I would have given that proofs or whatever it is. At least it is hypothetically BEST, right?? or even for that you won't agree?
That depends on what you mean by best (read the previous comments here). So depending on the meaning, hypothetically pigs can FLY.
Sanskrit is really an amazing language. It is unambiguous, grammatically perfect,etc,etc.. and being a programmer who is interested in AI, i personally feel Sanskrit is a good language to be used for NLP.
But no one can claim that it is the best. What is best and what isn't, only time will tell.
Sanskrit, like any other language in the world, has some minor issues which might cause a problem for it to be used in NLP.
In Sanskrit, compound words can be split into two meaningful words. eg:
पार्वतीपरमेश्वरौ can be split as पार्वती + परमेश्वरौ or as पार्वतीप+रमेश्वरौ.
This leads to interpreting a sentence in two ways and each one may be as meaningful and admissible as the other.
Besides, there are words in sanskrit which have multiple meanings.
When Lord Amherst Governor General of India from 1823 to 1828, established the Calcutta Sanskrit College, Raja Ram Mohan Roy strongly opposed it. He wrote to Lord Amherst on 11 July, 1823 that the teaching of Sanskrit was the best way to keep Indian in the dark and in ignorance of real knowledge.
At least one famous Indian (who BTW had learned Sanskrit, Persian, Greek and English, unlike many of us here) thought Indians are better off discarding Sanskrit altogether.
As mentioned by the author you (sanskrit people) are not ready to let go the EGO. if yours is the only best language with grammer what about the languages like latin, roman , tamil etc. now you guys will jump in and argue that all these languages came from sanskrit so we have to use sanskrit for NLP. lets go up guys.
but creating NLP with sanskrit is
foolishness! Bcz if (may be not
possible) such an NLP created, u
should knw sanskrit fluently!other
wise the concept of a portable
language will not be satisfied. The intrstng fact is ,the people in india who
knws sanskrit well is under 1%.
and the study of sanskrit lang ìs not
that much easy as like english.@lije, "show me a programming
language in saskrit, then we can
Then "show me an NLP now then we
can talk :)" Brother, we are talking abt
a possibility . Stop using such foolish comments!Before criticising my comments .only
one question! Do u knw anything abt
sanskrit?? ? ? ?
@anonymous, frnd the people who
commented above are not sanskrit
people! At present less than 14,000 ppl uses
sanskrit as their mother tounge. Its a
dead language and its mainly used in
hindu poojas,vedas and temples .in sanskrit each and every word has a
meaning, and a very perfect syntax.
Thats why it is recomending.It is very
Sanskrit shlokas "hide" many things
behind normal shlokas. One key to uncover the hidden meaning goes
like:kaadinava Taadinava
kshha shunyamAccording to this
"key", the alphabets are given values
as (the sequence of Sanskrit alphabets): k kha ga gha cha chhha ja
jha jyan1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ta Tha Da Dha
Na ta tha da dha 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pa
pha ba bha ma1 2 3 4 5ya ra la va sha
shha sa ha 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Vowels, gya
and kshha have a value of zero. Now apply this key to the following shloka:
alahaataarasandharaWhat one obtains
is the value of p /10 correct to 31
places after the decimal point ! 0.31415926 53589793 23846264
3383279It is that simple.
@anonymous ,(i manage a team of indians. . . . . . . .).that frnd says .indians are useless people. . . . . . .
i'm submitting a portion of news from deccan herald newspaper.
12% scientists in USA are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are!idians.
the GM of Hewlett Packard
(hp) - Rajiv Gupta
the CEO of Wipro Industries.
The Sultan of Brunei is at 6th position
the founder and creator of
Hotmail - A. Sabeer Bhatia
the president of AT & T-Bell
Labs (AT & T-Bell Labs is the creator of
program languages such as C, C++,
Unix to name a few)? - Arun Netravalli
the new MTD (Microsoft
Testing Director) of Windows 2000,
responsible to iron out all initial
problems.- Sanjay Tejwrika .
that great 'fedup westener' said dat ,he himself will stop using indian labour, and indian employs are their bcz they are so cheap to get.
we are not the best. But we are not useless people!
Hi all. There are some absolutely amazing comments posted here. Although my field of work is entirely different, I'm a computer enthusiast at best and know a little Sanskrit.
Has any body thought about the reason why the Sanskrit language remained unchanged for thousands of years. I believe that sanskrit was given to us in its purified and advanced form to us by an advanced civilisation. So are some of the ancient languages. I agree with some of the comments that Sanskrit is now on the verge of extinction but now there is a renewed interest in studying Sanskrit scriptures like Vedas and Indian epics. The reason for this is the wealth of knowledge they contain. There is a saying in India that you can find everything in Vedas which is an overstatement. Having said that, just consider this , Vedas state that ' the universe( brahmanda) expanded from an atom(anu)' which we know for a fact only for the past few years. Is n't that amazing. It's not just that , Indian mythology now considered to be a narrative of actual events of history of thousands of years (exaggerated or mythical at times). It's full of descriptions of technological advancements , flying objects, missiles etc. Similar advanced ancient tecnogical advancements found all over the world from ancient times.
My point is if at all Sanskrit language is found to be useful or easier for programming , it's worth looking at it in detail as it was probably designed by more advanced civilisation than us, either from Earth or beyond. There are a lot of things around which we don't understand fully , I think it is foolishness to think that we know it all.
Best wishes for all.
Ease is not everything. If something is required for further development then some plenty of people have to do so.
Sanskrit may not be best for some individual programmers till now. But it is the only language for
development of whole mankind.
Sanskrit is so perfect with its grammar that it can not be misunderstood if learnt properly.
One sentence will have only one meaning and one pronunciation as well, which is the major point of sanskrit and the only thing required for enhancement of Artificial Intelligence.
Let us take example of english
how will you pronounce "put"
& how will you pronounce "cut"
& how will you pronounce "took"
See the below link..It deals the similarities between Sanskrit and programming Languages...
I am a sanskrit student. It is easy to learn and Very tough to master because it is very vast. If you compare other languages with Sanskrit , the grammer of sanskrit is voluminous and advanced. most of the South asian languages gets it's origin from Sanskrit. Ok, let me come to the point. Sanskrit can be used to simplify programs as few words in sanskrit is equal to a paragraph . For eg One word in sanskrit will communicate the entire meaning of a whole sentence . But the drawback of this is you have to have a little command over the language. But once you have that command, it will be very easy to program.
I forgot to mention about the greatness of the sanskrit language. For all you people who thought DaVinci was the first person to design flying objects , you are wrong. Thousands of years before this guy was born , a book named VIMANASHASTRA (vimana means flying object) was written by a great person (forgot his name). From Tiny atoms to the formation of the universe has been Given by the Indians. These things travel from india to the Europe and some European guy gets the credit(so unfair). when I discovered many facts like this I , was motivated to study the indian Scriptures . Trust me It is the best source available for mankind. The same Gita was renamed with different characters and came out as the Bible and quarn (no offence I mean with the same values). Even the westerners are attracted to India. I feel ashamed for the fact that more Number of books in Yoga are written by foreigners and not Indians.
Vimana Shastra is a work of fiction.
@Lije : -
First of all its not wise to contradict the opinion of "Sanskrit being a Possible Programming language." without having enough knowledge and command over Sanskrit , AI and Programming language.
Btw , how much do you know about Sanskrit ? You are trying to falsify the posibilities that has been raised by Programmers,Scientists and Researchers who are highly skilled in this field than you , and have been there for many years.
Let me tell you , Sanskrit involves lots of dedication,time and understanding to learn.And here what we are talking about is Programming in that language , which is going to be even more complex , although Indian agencies are gradually taking part in developing something similiar to it.
Most westerners will contradict this possibility becuase they don't want to learn something that is typically different from their culture and is comparatively easy for the Indian natives , and is highly advantageous over other languages. :- Simply because you will have a hard time learning it than us! : ( And rest assured , because the day when we create a successful Sanskrit based PL , you will have hard time finding something better.)
Sanskrit in itself , is not just a language , in fact it holds a vast culture of an Advanced civilisation that provided solid base for theories long ago , for which our scientists are still wondering in so called Modern-Era ,huh.
Btw , here some misinformed and frustrated individuals have posted certain offensive comments against Indians.
Well he proabably is unaware of certain facts.
LEt me ask that enterprenuer , "Can you deliver quality better than Indian workers , at same price (what you called as cheap labour.) ???? I dont think so.
Its you who is in dire need of cheap labours.If you really have ample amount of money to invest and desire for a quality work , then why don't you hire quality programmers.Nobody's is forcing you to hire indians. So , stop complaining and start thinking.
If you look at the market , you will find that the best programmers are Indians , and even the worst/cheapest are Indians.
Its your problem that you can't afford to pay for a quality work , don't blame on us.
Get in to our shoes , and walk a mile , before complaining.
And at last , @lizzy , don't compare English with Sanskrit.English is not a scientific language and is full of mistakes and errors.Don't even think about it. English has been around for just couple of centuries or maybe 500-600.
But Sanskrit , is thousands of year old.Its still in its purest form.And is still in use.
Have some respect for it.
Hrishikesh Sharma.
I love the fact that my pseudonym has brought out the misogynist in you.
Hi All,
I am student of NLP in IIIT, hyderabad, where all the NLP research on Indian languages is mostly based on Computational Paninian Grammar which is developed as an extension of Grammar described by Panini for Sanskrit centuries ago, this all lot of research began after the publication of Rick briggs as cited in your post.And after these many years of research, it seems quite evident that paninian grammar is more competent to represent the semantics of the languages especially Indian languages. However, modern languages can not be completely analyzed only on the basis of paninian perspective, but it helps a lot for the computational purposes.
Having said that, i would like to point out that all this research was not started by impact of some shallow kind of nationalism, but in pursuit of research as to is it possible to apply and utilize a grammatical formalism that was proposed thousands of years ago to the modern languages and their computational paradigms. Which seems to conclude in a quite positive outcome.
Coming to the scientific and mathematical rigor in the Sanskrit structure, this claim could be found in the paper by Rick briggs, though language seems to be inherently a non-deterministic and ambiguous phenomena, in case of Sanskrit, it can be easily seen using Panini's Ashtadyayi that all the structures in Sanskrit are derived by well defined rules and methodologies compiled by panini's approx 4000 rules(starting from individual words, their morphological structures, their syntactic structure, semantic analysis to discourse analysis), this proves the preciseness and efficiency of the paninian grammar and Sanskrit language, and hence due to this property Sanskrit as a natural language is much easier to be processed by machines as compared to other languages.
However, that does not mean that in order to use computers easily, all of the human race should stop using their language and start learning Sanskrit, and that NLP research should stop for other languages, all of the world research involving Paninian theories thus are and should intend to analyze that how could analysis of other languages and NLP research could benefit from Paninian theories and Sanskrit grammars, and it would be of no harm if machines could understand at least one of the human languages which is most easier of them to understand, be it Sanskrit or any other language.
Moreover, it is important to note that Indians have no right to claim and be proud over the research on Sanskrit because in first place they have already abandoned Sanskrit due to Brahimincal dogmas and aristocracy(as the number of Sanskrit speakers in Indian is now countable), while ancient Sanskrit intellectuals and Vedic culture did not intend to limit the knowledge and intelligence to any group of people, and rather intended for welfare of the mankind. Secondly, Indians in modern India, don't even know by themselves what actually there culture was and is, they are so indulged in believing the shallow dogmas and doctrines of cast and other absurdities that they don't want to leave their biases and to undergo a logical and reasonable analysis. I see the renovation of ancient Indian wisdom rising from the west, that wisdom which supports open thinking, tolerance, unprejudiced intellect and evolution.
Concluding, i request the post owner and other supporters not to disregard the intelligentsia and researchers involved in Sanskrit studies just because some shallow minded Indians who are prejudiced and ignorant with their shallow nationalism impose their hereditary claim over Sanskrit and other ancient Indian wisdom, and support the researcher to go on with their work if it is moving with the positive outputs.
And for ignorant Indian bigots, i would like to say that just because you are born in India does not make you an intellectual of ancient wisdom, nor it gives you the authority to have your claim over it, go and study first what Indian culture actually is and than go for healthy debate in a wise way.
@Praveen-superlike to ur comment.
Secondly,Sanskrit is a rich language and i am proud of it.But the thing that it is the best language for comp prog is pure bullshit and just another brahminical propaganda by some Indian Hindu knuckleheads and they have not been able to get over this bad habit of theirs since centuries.
hmmm. This blog topic is like going in a flash back mode 2000 years BC. At that time if a scientist would say human beings will be able to fly in heavy machinery in sky OR human beings would step their foot on moon OR a perosn would be able to communicate to another person thousands of miles in another continent via a small device (mobile phone) OR their will be machines all over which will do work for humans
I am sure 2000 years ago if someone would make a thesis or white paper people would laugh and make a mokery about that person or even put him in jail.
Well 2000 years passed and yes all the above have become reality making human task much simpler. All computer language is in english. If the chinese would want to take over the jobs of India outsourcing then they will have to learn english
It goes same for all software developers, new technology which is getting better and faster and process billions of transactions in seconds but in order to accomplish they have to learn so that they can program it in english.
If some groups are dong research and saying Sanskrit can be NLP and will be much faster than Java or C program then yes it might be in the future. They don't write papers and seminars just for joke or for fun and definetly it is a propaganda by some Indian Hindus. Maybe in 10 to 20 years all what is now called the best programming language (Java or C) will be definetly be replaced by a new faster and stronger and easier programming language and it can be Sanskrit ;-)
Lagta hai phat gayi angrej ki . . .
Aur Ab to lagta hai tum sab ki phat gayi hai. And you all need a thread and a needle.
Dear Lije , talking about languages , its not all about reading and writing , its about speaking also .. what 6th generation of computer need is human intervention , and i am a computer programmer , knowing programming , i understand that english is by far the most incompetant language for programming , even russian or german language is better than english.. talking bout the topic , sanskrit is not only MOST COMPATIBLE language , but it is also MOST COMPLETE LANGUAGE in human history.. it has got all the swaras and raga , that influence nature. so if human want to breakthrough current trends in computing they have to , EGOLESSLY , accept sanskrit as programming language.
I just stumbled to ur blog while reading about computer programming. I do agree to some extent with the author on us Indians tendency to glorify everything. I agree with another comment which stated that monopoly of English language in technical terms & computer programming is due to its popularity only and not due to its effectiveness. Having said that, getting into the middle ground between self glorification and biased approach to an idea which is not culturally or regionally attractive to oneself is essential to get a purely intellectual and scientific results from an argument or experiment. Unless an empirical data can be published, this argument will go on for years. So guys, please be scientific in your approach rather than emotional... Sanskrit may or may not be the best programming language, but it wont hurt us to try developing one rather than killing the idea before it has even been explored...
A Malaysian by name an Indian by heart.
Your purpose in this post, to debunk the "best programming language" myth is understood and acknowledged. Yes, nowadays a lot of Indians are trumpeting this "2000 years ago we had already done " crap.
But you have displayed extreme distaste for learning/explaining the actual truth about the relation between Sanskrit and computers. You are unreasonably discarding anything that does not meet your absurdly focused point :
(the point is its not the best programming language. Haha you suck, nothing else matters more, tralala I'm not listening to anything else)
Did you not know you came off as non-constructive (I hope)? Or was this your exact intention?
I gather now that you're against the overlordship of religion over science.
I couldn't agree more. Religion is entirely man-made and hopelessly flawed. It is merely a way for people to swallow the fact that they don't understand most things, and are highly insignificant to the universe in general.
Religion allows them to claim that some creator actually took the trouble to painstakingly create them (spare the horror).
Sanskrit however is merely a vehicle of religious texts. There is certainly nothing in the language that ties it down to religious purposes. Its grammatical structure is what is being appreciated unanimously, and schools of thought exist on the best way to exploit this regularity in semantics(syntax?).
So if its religion that causes you to assume certain things about the language, let it go.
Can you point out where you got the idea that I wrote the article because Sanskrit is associated with religion and not because some Hindu apologists have taken a research paper completely out of context to suit their agenda?
Yes they have. No doubt.
There are several commenters who said so as well.
But in your replies, you ignored the true statements about Sanskrit (regarding its grammar, structure), and kept on harping on the misrepresentation of the article. It seemed as though you did not want to credit Sanskrit with any good quality, and that the sole purpose of this article was to deride the language in all ways.
It smacked of unjustified (religious?) hatred. Since most of your post seemed rational and logical, I wondered whether there was any other issue. Then I read your "About" page. It occurred to me that the connection with religion may have caused you to be unwilling to give any credit to Sanskrit, that's all.
Hatred? That's just your imagination. Again, please point out exactly where I was dismissive of Sanskrit's real merits.
"This argument that Sanskrit, or for that matter any other language, ..."
by anonymous to "Reading to last part of your blog it sounded like you werent really all too interested in explaining the language of Sanskrit"
.... is where I gathered this impression.
If the purpose of comments is not to have a lively discussion, but instead have a super-focused intellectual brawl, then why post in a blog?
These Hindu apologists have hundreds of such fallacious beliefs that they are foolishly proclaiming out there. This is one of the less untrue ones. Better than saying "36% of NASA scientists are indians"
Those who are on the verge of realizing the inaccuracy of this (Sanskrit-programming) and other claims, would finally do so under logical and calm debate.
Not when it feels like they're being attacked by an hostile anti-Indian.
Meanwhile you may be interested to read my blog, some thoughts on free will :
You claimed I was "unwilling to give any credit to Sanskrit". I asked you to point where you got that impression from. But now are you shifting the goal post to talk about the purpose of my blog and the tone of it?
You didn't read my entire comment.
That sequence of comments that I have indicated show your unwillingness. You have not acknowledged any of the positives stated in it, dismissing them with "So keep your clarifications to yourself."
Is this your usual tone? If so, I am mistaken about your hatred/unwillingness to give credit.
The claim being made is that Sanskrit is the most suitable language for Computer Programming.
As previously stated by Lije the Burden of proof lies with the one making the claim.
Computer Languages such as C were specifically written to program computers and to write software. It is an abstraction over the lower level, but it still provided all the useful details.
A language such as sanskrit was not made for this task, neither was it intelligently created. I agree that Sanskrit certainly seems more optimal than most modern spoken languages of today for communicating but this alone does not make it more optimal the task of programming computers.
Sanskrit most certainly did not evolve to do this task, I struggle to see then how it is more optimal than a language intelligently create for this task.
Furthermore why Sanskrit more efficient than some constructed languages, say Lojban?
Some of Lojban's goals include being unambiguous and logical.
Finding reasons to support an existing view such as asserting Sanskrit is the best language to program with is merely rationalizing. A more optimal approach would be to analyze the evidence in favor of sanskrit. To my knowledge there is not much.
Lije, this was many comments ago, but you said something about Indians being inferior and having to take pride in falsities. Indians in America are the largest earning racial group in America. Indian kids get higher grades in school than white kids or any other race, for that matter. I do not know much about programming or sanskrit, but I do know that Indians are not, and were never inferior.
panini the sanskrit grammarian , was the worlds first computer programmer, and did so with sanskrit, of course there were no computers back then, but his grammar rules and logic were akin to that of computer programming- this was 2000 years back
>but you said something about Indians being inferior
I never said that.
this entire blog is sure amusing.
given the fact that sanskrit is a form of purified and understandable sumerian language.
in reality, sumerian was the perfect language that was passed on from ancient advanced civilizations. sanskrit is a form of sumerian in words.
english is the mother of all thieves, as it steals from everywhere, right from spanish up to sanskrit.
so if anyone plans to make a programming language on sanskrit or sumerian contexts, hook me up. i'd be interested in it a lot.
also, stop fighting like kids.
Indians are the ancestral descendents of the guys who made vimaanas, of those principles which made Hitler hysterical and crazy about researching vedas. and the best part is, we still have 1% people speaking a language that is so ancient that its history dates back to more than jsut a few thousand years.
Vymanika shastra was work of fiction dating from the 20th century.
i am so surprised how can you post this artice without any research
today i show you the magic of sanskrit...
Sanskrit - Mother of European Languages says Professor Dean Brown
Prof. Dean Brown points out that most European languages can be traced back to a root language that is also related to Sanskrit - the sacred language of the ancient Vedic religions of India. Many English words actually have Sanskrit origins. Similarly, many Vedic religious concepts even in Western culture. He discusses the fundamental idea of the Upanishads - that the essence of each individual, the atman, is identical to the whole universe, the principle of Brahman. In this sense, the polytheistic traditions of India said to be monistic at their core.
Although it might be considered a forgotten language in India, globally Sanskrit has found many takers. The American Sanskrit Institute was founded 18 years ago with a vision to spread "the ease and joy of learning Sanskrit by immersion experience, the pleasure of making sound, fluent reading the original Devanagari script, and directly read, sing and understand the sacred literature. "The Indological department conducts the University of Bonn Germany of courses and programs.
While the world wake up to Sanskrit - the divine language, where are we in terms of preserving the world's oldest known tongue?
KAKH, "cackle"
KAL, "count", akin to KAALA, "a fixed point in time, time in general, proper season" > L. CALCULARE,"calculate" (INCACULABLE, CALENDAR)
KAALA, "black" (see
KARMA/KARMAN, "act, result, effect" (KARMA)
KATH, "speak about" > O.H.G. QUETHAN (QUOTH, QUOTE)
KONA, "corner, angle, intermediate point of a compass" > Gr. GONOS/GONON, "-angled" (Eng. -GON, as in OCTAGON, POLYGON, figures which have corners and angles)
KRI, "make, accomplish, cause, effect, bring to completion" > L. CREARE/CREATUM, "bring about something" (CREATE, PROCREATE)
LAGHU, "light (in weight, on the feet, on the stomach)"
LAS, "play, frolic, sport", akin to LASYA (LASCIVIOUS,
"arousing sexual feelings")
LOK, "look"
Sanskrit uses programming concepts similar to classes, objects and pointers to shorten the language.
To do this, we will try to translate a sample Sanskrit sentence to English and dwell into the nitty-gritties of it. Along the way, you will get introduced to a very innovative sentence structure, totally different from the structure of the language you currently speak.
Given below is our sample sentence. It appears in the text राजनीतिसमुच्चय authored by आचार्य चाणक्य |
मूर्खः परिहर्तव्यः प्रत्यक्षः द्विपदः पशुः । which means..
A stupid person must be avoided. He is like a two-legged animal in-front of the eyes.
Now, let’s get back to our good old Q & A format.
Q) Are you sure, the English translation you have provided is correct ? Else, why are there only 5 words in the Sanskrit version but so many words in the English version ?
A) Of course, the translation I provided is absolutely correct. But your doubt is also genuine. To know why the Sanskrit version is so economic in the usage of words, we need to first understand it’s structure.
Q) Umm hmm, go on..
A) As mentioned in the first article of the series, the words in Sanskrit represent properties. So the 5 words used in this sentence also represent properties.
मूर्ख = (the property of being) stupid
परिहर्तव्य = (the property that makes one) avoidable (by others)
प्रत्यक्ष = (the property of being) in front of the eyes
द्विपद = (the property of) having two legs
पशु = (the property of usually being) tethered
But, in spoken language, we always refer to objects and not properties. (The object being referred to need not exist in the real world. It is sufficient if it exists in the speaker’s imagination.) So we need a way to force the above words to represent objects rather than properties. That way of forcing a word(which represents a property) to represent an object is called vibhakti.
So, मूर्ख represents the property of being stupid, but मूर्खः (which is a vibhakti of the word मूर्ख) represents an object/person who is stupid. Here, मूर्खः is called the first vibhakti of the word मूर्ख | Similarly, परिहर्तव्यः is the first vibhakti of the word परिहर्तव्य | So, we have
परिहर्तव्यः = an object/person who must be avoided
प्रत्यक्षः = an object/person located in front of the eyes
द्विपदः = a object/creature having two legs
पशुः = an object/creature who is tethered = a beast or cattle (because usually beast or cattle is tethered)
I'am another anonymous who is a kick ass computer scientist and a Sanskrit scholar. I know three Dravidian languages, Sanskrit and Hindi. from my knowledge i have building a translator or a compiler for processing natural languages like Sanskrit would be twice the pain in the arse than any of the Dravidian languages or Hindi or any European languages.
Languages evolved because man wanted to stay comfortable in speech and expressing his opinions. Dravidian lanuages along with hindi are evolved languages from sanskrit. There are many things by which you cannot express in these languages. English, Espaniol, French, German, Russian are more evolved languages.
The evolution did not stop just right there. it evolved again for comfort. man wanted machines to be tamed, he thought about it and came silicon chips. he wanted to have command over it so he built the language of machines which was just 0's and 1's. later this way of expressing his commands were made further comfortable. now you can see how far the machine languages have reached.
I would prefer any Dravidian languages or Hindi over Sanskrit because they are far more expressive than Sanskrit. in Sanskrit a word can have many resemblance to objects. If that is the case machines would be as confused as we are.
I would prefer Spanish, Russian, German, French or Chinese over Dravidian languages as they are far more evolved, rapid and expressive. They evolved from Dravidian languages.
English being far more precise in expressing, far more clear, evolved over European languages taking its root from Sanskrit too makes it the International language to be accepted and to be spoken.
I have mastered four Indian languages, two European languages and i find it awesome to know how better we can express in this language (English). apart from these i know machine languages like ASM and the high level ones namely C/C++, java, C#, Python, XAML, XML, HTML, PHP, BASIC.
So my point is if it is every to make it further convenient there is no going back in times rather adopting the most convenient form of language to speak and that's English.
Me being an Indian i approve this message that the guy who said "Sanskrit is the best language for computer" has either less knowledge about it or has no idea about it.
i found a page
Contains some data thats being discussed - see. I'm neither a computer programmar nor a Sanskrit scholar. I'm just a simple Yoga teacher. I say that just for Yoga alone everybody should salute the Yogis of India
I can't believe that people are seriously suggesting a natural language for computer programming. I'd take mathematics or music as programming languages more seriously than that claim, and even those are a huge stretch.
First of all, this might be obvious, but there is no "best" language, unless a given metric is applied.
I personally prefer ML, Haskell or Prolog, because they are extremely concise and mathematical, but others might like C or Java for different reasons.
All of these are much more compact, logical, and more direct than any spoken/written language, by far.
That said, I'm sure Sanskrit is awesome, but considering that it was the origin of many other languages, I doubt it was fully constructed anyway. For that we have Lojban (which would also probably not work well for programming).
I don't think popularity means much with a programming language though, considering that you primarily communicate with a computer, not a human, and it is easy to use C libraries from obscure programming languages to get useful software written quickly.
esperanto and not sanskrit is the best for computers
I don't see a reason to connect Sanskrit and India always, what I meant to say is, Sanskrit predates almost all the modern languages of the world and this is not all, the fact is that the Sanskrit grammar was perfect even thousands of years ago. The reason that Sanskrit being best suited for computation stems from another fact that you missed to mention ! I dunno whether you know or not, but Sanskrit is the only language in which if you shuffle the words in a sentence in whatever manner you like, the meaning of the whole sentence doesn't change ! And one more clarification, I don't think Sanskrit is taken to replace c/c++/ etc etc... it is selected to represent Natural Languages in artificial intelligence. By the way don't consider my comment as an "Indian response" but try to understand that as a world citizen I am taking this matter unbiased because I realize that the grammer of this particular language seems to be perfect, if you know sanskrit grammar a little bit then you can understand what I meant by this perfection. Sanskrit differs from all other languages because it seems that this language wasn't natural but artificially constructed by some brilliant group of scholars to meet some requirements, this doesn't at all look like a natural language.
This is a bullshit argument, "whatever your name is" bloggist..
You have taken an irrefutable position knowing full well that there isn't enough evidence to decide for or against the topic.. While you keep striking down comments "for" Sanskrit, you are unable to substantiate your own position, except for siting a lack of evidence and through using a path of reasoning that is over simplified and consequently very very misleading. Unlike several others I am not going to spend time trying to highlight your many flaws. Frankly your logic is weak at best, hoping that is you know a thing or two about theorizing - how can you preclude from your argument all the different dimensions that could contribute to the picture as a whole.
Wow man! what are your trying to prove here? I frankly was expecting to learn something from this blog of yours and am going away disappointed.
From your About page, the idea is clear... why do you make a claim that Sanskrit is not good ? what is the proof that it is not good ?
From your About page, it seems you are converted... hence denigrate the culture and all other associated stuff with your previous religion ?
btw why did you convert - for money, power, or some other worldly things ? Grow up !
By the way may be you guys should consult a Linguist instead of bickering ! This statement of choosing sanskrit was based on structure of the language, because sanskrit appears to be an intentionally designed language and Linguists say that among all languages Sanskrit is indeed the easiest to learn, because there are no exceptions in it like in English, do = du, but go = go and not gu, sounds are not perfectly defined in English and so in all other languages, and because of religious orthodoxy Hindus were not allowed to change sound, it was a sin to pronounce sanskrit word differently and so it remained intact for thousands of years, I am not saying, ask any world famous Linguists about the Sanskrit grammar, then come back and comment here, because I have read their opinions and they say Sanskrit grammar is the most perfect grammar.. linguistically just perfect. Its not about East-West fight, its about science, and science is not partial to anyone, it relies on fact. So go and consult Linguists to know the truth.
@ Lije
Appears that you desire others to put forward their work (in great detail) on Sanskrit grammar and computer programming. Is it perhaps in order for you to steal it? How sad is your insistence that others describe such programming in details to you? Are you not intelligent enough to do it for yourself? Did you not expect anyone to grasp what your real intensions are? I bet you will try to answer this by trying to put me on the defensive as you did so many others. Doesn't matter we all see through you and your weaknesses trying to advance yourself through the hard work of others.
The wide claim that Sanskrit is a complete and scientific language and it is most suitable for Natural Language Processing of computers is a myth and hoax.
Those who argue Sanskrit as most scientific language suitable for computers always refer to Paninian grammer. The main argument hinges on the fact that the Paninian grammer defines verb roots (Dhatu) and specifies the rules to change/modify them to obtain various required forms. If one comes out of Panian influence and scrutinize independenetly , it will be clear that the Sanskrit is not a scientific or ordered language as boasted. Those who glorify Sanskrit repeat the features which are in their favour and hide the adverse facts.
(1) Sanskrit has three genders- Masculine, Feminine & Neutral. Each word (praatipadika) – excluding verb roots (dhatu) – has a gender. There is no rule or guide lines to know the gender of any given word. The gender of any word is known from traditional sources which shall be remembered to use it and not from any systematic method.
(2) The sentences are formed when words are affected by case declensions. A rough estimate gives 23 types of gender based case declensions on words ending with vowels. Even these 23 types does not cover all possible case declensions . There are 18 exceptions to these. Therefore there are 23 + 28 = 51 types of case declensions on words ending with vowels. Likewise the words ending with consonanats have 18 types of gender based case declensions, along with 31 exceptions totaling 18+31 = 49 types. In order to use words in Sanskrit one has to remember ( 51+49)x7 = 630 types of case declensions on words. This has made Sanskrit highly unscientific and most difficult language to learn.
If any new / foreign word is added to Sanskrit there is no way to decide its gender. Unless the gender of a word is decided it can not be used because Sanskrit is case declension oriented language. The case declension of a word is decided by its gender. This has compounded draw back effect on Sanskrit.
Dravidian languages of South India which does not belong to Indo-Aryan (Sanskrit) group have single definite rule to decide the gender of any given word and more scientific than Sanskrit in use of case declensions. Word-Gender-Case Declensions are the key elements which are interdependently used in Sanskrit. But there is no scientific or definite method to define these three key elements.
(3) The complexity and confusion of Sanskrit declensions are deep rooted. For example the declensions for masculine-Singular vowel ‘a’ ending case declensions can be considered. The third Instrumental case is used to represent – By/through/Along aspects of a word. The fourth Dative case is used to represent – For/Towards/on Behalf aspects of a word. Fifth case Ablative is used to represent – From/Than- aspects of a word. Using same case declensions to represent different aspects of a word rule out the non-ambuigity of Sanskrit.
(4) The case declensions does not change with case in any systematic manner . For example the case declensions for masculine vowel ‘a’ ending can be considered. Declensions for third and fourth case for Dual and Plural , (Raamaabhya , RaamEbhya) and declension for sixth and seventh case for Dual are same.(RamayoH). Therefore Sanskkrit does not have un-ambiguous declensions for each case and thus making it to be an unscientific language.
(5) Sanskrit has many diffrenet words which give same meaning. Each of these different words can be in different genders . ( Ex. Shareera-tanu-kaayaH , Dheeman-Dheemat). The different genders of different words giving same meaning adopt different type of case declensions which can not be explained by any systematic way. Either Paninian Grammer or any other Sanskrit grammer accounts for such adversity.
(The above article is the partial translation of my original article in Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) published at
(6) In Sanskrit a word can be used in different genders. When it is used in different genders it carries different meanings. [ Ex. Vasu = Wealth (Masculine) , Light (Feminine ) , Sun (Neutar) ] . Sanskrit grammer does not provide any specific guide lines on which either change of gender or its meaning can be known.
(7) In all Natural Languages of the world some words will be having multiple meanings and such multiple meanings are limited to two or three. In Sanskrit there are many words which have 10-15 meanings. This nature of Sanskrit is claimed as its uniqueness elsewhere. Using words carrying diffrent meanings depending upon the context used was one of the favourite pass time of Sanskrit poets and writers. This burst the myth that Sanskrit is most un-ambiguious language unlike other natural languages. The contray is true for Sanskrit.
(8) In Natural Languages to represent an object/thing/concept there will be one or two words. In Sanskrit there are many such alternative words to represent an object/thing/concept. To represent water there are more than 15 different words. This has been claimed as the capacity of Sanskrit. But these alternative words always does not convey same object/concept but vary with context. Therefore Sanskrit can not be a context free language suitable for computer.
(9) Sanskrit words have genders where as verb roots are gender free. Therfore verb endings are common for all genders (as in English) . Hence animate and non animate actions can not be distinguished. Ideal un-ambiguious language shall be able to differentiate these actions. Dravidian languages recognize action through genders ( except common verb endings for Plural masculine and feminine). Ambiguity in gender and verb ending in Sanskrit restrict it as a scientific language.
(10) Sanskrit adopts same verb endings for events happening (Present) , events just happened (immediate past ) , events just going to happen (immediate future), actions of desire , question etc., Therfore it is not possible to know the time of an event correctly and un ambiguouslu.
Many such anomalies can be listed to demonstrate that Sanskrit is not perfect , scientific language to replace present computer languages
The back ground for emergence of Paninian Grammer are seen to understand the precise ness of Sanskrit.
Vaidikas ( followers of vedas) believed in the non human origin of vedic hymns, They also believed that if the vedic hymns are not chanted properly the desired sacrificial fruits/effects can not be obtained or even may result in disastrous outcomes. In this back ground relying on the power of vedic hymns they gave extreme imporatance to words and their pronounciation. Before Yaska composed his Nirukta (explanation of vedic words and concepts) , the meaning of vedic hymns was obsure with multiple meanings. In this context Kautsa who lived before Yaska declared that vedic hymns are meaning less (ವೇದ ಮಂತ್ರಾ : ನಿರರ್ಥಕ:) If Sanskrit was so scientific and invariable the meaning of vedic hymns would not have been obscure by the time of Kautsa. It seems that as an answer to Kautsa’s comments Yaska tried to explain the each of vedic word. The Ashtyadhyayi - the treatise on Sanskrit Grammer-of Panini , was such an continued attempt to define Sanskrit language . The approach adopted by Panini was superior and first in its nature to describe a language. One can call this approach/method as scientific. The method itself does not certify that the language which it is trying to describe is also scientific.
There are many features in Sanskrit which does not follow the precise definitions of Panini. All Natural Languages pocess such features and therefore can not be used for computers to avoid ambiguity in instructions. This has lead to the development of Artificial computer languages
(The above article is the partial translation of my oginal article in Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) published at
As a programmer, I really don't see the point of NLP.
If you don't understand the machine, you'll be giving it imprecise, backwards and overall wrong instructions.
It's already very clearly visible that the worst programs are written in the languages that are easiest to read for non-programmers.
This claim has been circulating for years.
There are plenty of brilliant computer scientists and programmers from India - many from Brahmin families, some of them are bound to know Sanskrit. If Sanskrit is so good as a programming language as some people claim, I just wonder why aren't any of these guys using it as such to write practical real world computer applications?
Oh God, my head hurts. Sanskrit is the best language for computers, it has perfect grammar, it is the mother of all languages!!! All BS. Can you just shut up and go to work quietly and come out with a useful product and stun us? You can make money for yourself and bring on name and fame to the country? Until then, can you just shut up and do not make the Indians to look stupid?
Most perfect grammer? Lol! This means the language is dead!
In Tamil, the people who wrote the grammar said this: "as time passes old may be gone and new will come in and that is the nature". Sanskrit for programming? This is hilarious! People are making ass of themselves.
OH my God, my head hurts! Why cannot some Sanskrittan Indian develop a product and stun the world!
Counting 3 years now. Where is your product?
hey bro I think that you should the language of Jainism because it is non as the prakartik language (Natural language). I think that prakartik language is more suitable then sanskrit with computers. It is because sanskrit is not the origin, it is also created after the Prakartik language. Prakartik language is said by the Thirtankars of Jainism religion.
Hey bro I think that you should try the language of Jainism because it is known as the Prakartik language (Natural language). I think that Prakartik language is more suitable then sanskrit with computers. It is because sanskrit is not the origin, it is also created after the Prakartik language but they both are somewhat similar. Prakartik language is said by the Thirtankars of Jainism religion.
Kindly read
Sanskrit is a Scientist's paradise
Sanskrit, the vocabulary of which is derived from root syllables, is ideal for coining new scientific and technological terms. The need to borrow words or special scientific terms does not arise.
From the very beginning, scientific principles have been hidden in the verses found in the Vedas, Upanishads and the great epics of India . Concepts and principles seen in present day mathematics and astronomy, are all hidden in the compositions and treatises of many early scholars of the country. Some of these principles and concepts will be shown in the information section that will accompany the lessons.
i don't know why the author is so he a racist??if any other historic language with a prominence of the same as sanskrit has originated in any country other than India,it would be praised similarly.
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